Mais Liberdade
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About Us

Instituto +Liberdade is a free-market think-tank based in Portugal.

We started in 2021, and since then, our mission has been to impart knowledge about the main pillars of a free society based on individual and political freedom, and the market economy. We have over 6,000 members and 75,000 people following us on social media.


Portugal is at a crucial crossroads. High public debt and low economic growth have cast shadows over our potential. A potential trapped by a broken rule of law.


It wasn't always like this. When Vasco da Gama set sail, our prosperity abounded. Five hundred years on, we need that ambition. Open markets and trade liberalization are among the principles left by our explorers.

Instituto +Liberdade promotes those principles in a spectrum of projects: +Factos, renowned for producing infographics, enlightens society on economic literacy; our annually Summer Campus convenes over 150 students eager to learn about liberalism. We also write and publish books, offering over 800 works in our online library. +Liberdade's initiatives don't stop here - find them all above.

Our projects


A truly differentiating project in the think-tank panorama.

Under +Facts, we have produced almost 600 infographics in the last three years. We cover a wide range of topics, but our primary focus is on economic issues concerning Portugal and the World.
These visual aids provide a straightforward and compelling way for the public to access information, fostering a more informed society.


In Campus da Liberdade, we gather over 150 university students from countless academic backgrounds in a week dedicated to liberalism. Held annually, it convenes speakers who share the principles of freedom necessary to get Portugal out of stagnation.

The underpinnings of liberalism are fully explored with the help of university professors, economists, executives and politicians.

Campus da Liberdade was born with an eye on future generations.


Our online library contains 800 works - including books, essays and articles - covering the various currents of liberalism, both the ideas and the lives of those who shaped them. All of them are available for free.

In addition to the online library, +Liberdade also publishes books. Some were written by members of our team, but others were adapted or just translated into Portuguese. Educational but concise, these books help explain some of today's challenges: slow economic growth, the housing gap, climate change, wars, and the rise of populism. We offer our books to school and university libraries when requested, as it is a great way to complement the school curriculum.

How capitalism can stop global warming and save the planet.

A fun economics lesson for youngsters.

Fifty numerical analyses in a snapshot of Portugal.

An analysis of the current housing crisis in Portugal and the World.

A personal account of one of the bloodiest and most oppressive political regimes.

The benefits capitalism has had on the development of societies.

The burden of saving a large public company in Portugal.

An impressive testimony of the fight against the Portuguese dictatorship.



The Carnation Revolution of 1974 opened the door to establishing a pluralist democracy in Portugal. This was followed by intense political and social turbulence, culminating in the failed military coup d'état of November 25th 1975. This attempt was carried out by far-left activists, who hoped to hijack the Portuguese transition to democracy in favour of a communist state.

The 25N exhibition, produced by Instituto +Liberdade, depicts what happened during this remarkable period. The exhibition was in more than 250 schools, reaching 200,000 students.


Exposição Internacional Memória: Totalitarismo na Europa

The international travelling exhibition "Totalitarianism in Europe", funded by the European Union, has been launched by the Platform of European Memory and Conscience. The exhibition aims to remember Europe's tragic totalitarian past and recalls the victims of Nazism, Communism and Fascism in the 20th century.

It has already been in 19 countries and arrived in Portugal in 2021 at the hands of Instituto +Liberdade. Portugal is the country where the exhibition has been in most cities.

+ESCRUTÍNIO [+Scrutiny in English]

Electoral programmes

Abril is an artificial intelligence tool designed to help the Portuguese understand the electoral programs of the parties contesting the national elections on March 10th 2024. People can learn about the parties' programs by chatting with AI on WhatsApp.

Public Procurement

It scrutinises the contracts the Portuguese public bodies signed, allowing for a better analysis of the use of public money. It is an essential tool for journalists seeking investigative work.

Parliamentary Activity

This tool reveals the legislative initiatives voted on in the Portuguese Parliament. It shows how each party voted, the votes correlation between parties, and the approval rate of the initiatives presented by each party.


It is a 90-hour postgraduate course (10 ECTS) on the economic, philosophical and political thinking of the various currents of liberal thought, from classical liberalism to 20th-century thinkers. The applications of Liberal Thought to current political issues, such as international trade, the environment, tourism, health, education or the labour market, are also analysed.

It is structured by Instituto +Liberdade and Lusófona University.

The just price of a pearl, which can be used only to decorate, is higher than the just price of grain, bread, or horses, even if the utility of these things is superior.

Luis de Molina


We organise and participate in world-renowned conferences, such as LibertyCon, Free Market Roadshow, and the European Resource Bank.

+Liberdade constantly cooperates with other global free-market think tanks in producing relevant work, such as the Tax Foundation's International Tax Competitiveness Index, which assesses the degree of competitiveness of 37 OECD tax systems, a collaboration of several European think tanks.

Also noteworthy is our association with the Platform of European Memory and Conscience in bringing the "Totalitarianism in Europe" exhibition to Portugal.


For any inquiries, reach out to us via email at or WhatsApp at +351 936 626 166.


Instituto +Liberdade

Em defesa da democracia-liberal.

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